Feb 26, 2015
NC Family president John Rustin talks with Dr. Kevin Sabet, Director of the Drug Policy Institute at the University of Florida and former Senior Advisor to the White Office of National Drug Policy, about his recent book, Reefer Sanity: Seven Great Myths About Marijuana.
Feb 19, 2015
NC Family president John Rustin talks with Glenn Stanton, Director of Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family, about his new book, Loving My (LGBT) Neighbor: Being Friends in Grace and Truth.
Feb 12, 2015
NC Family president John Rustin talks with Adam and Cynthia Forcade, co-founders and leaders of the Kings Mountain Awareness Group, about their grassroots efforts to fight the establishment of a proposed 220,000 square foot Indian gambling casino in Cleveland County, North Carolina.
Feb 5, 2015
NC Family president John Rustin talks with Sheila Weber, executive director of National Marriage Week USA, about the annual event scheduled for February 7-14, and how individuals, churches and communities can help strengthen marriage.